Everyone Had A Great Time at our First Annual Christmas Party!

Our first Christmas Party started off with a Pot Luck Dinner.  It went “Amazingly” well.  Several members had offered to bring dishes such as pulled pork, ham, sides and desserts.  The club supplied plates, napkins, drinks. utensils, etc.

When it came time to set up for the meal, even more food came in and it was all great. Many people went for seconds and a couple for even more.  Steve gave the blessing for the meal after which everyone dug in. The home baked cake and cupcakes were on a professional level and there was more than enough food for everyone that attended.

Members enjoyed having dinner together and getting to know each other better. After the dinner we decided to have a vote to determine if we should continue with the Pot Luck Dinners and the vote was an overwhelming yes! So, bring your favorite dish on Thursday, January 16th and we’ll do it again!

After the dinner was finished it was time for the prizes.  For several months before the party, Board members were working to contact

bee suppliers and local businesses. In the end there were over 100 prizes to be awarded. There were bee Nucs, beekeeping equipment, gift certificates, plants and much more.  There was something for everyone, with or without bees.

The tickets were called for a sixth time before everything was gone. Members went home with at least five items, some with six. There was a lot of cheering and clapping and everyone had a great time. Businesses That Donated for the Party – Click Here

The amazing “Bee Tumbler” made an appearance as well.  It’s “Amazing” since it says “Amazing” right on it. It also made it’s first appearance at the Lake County Christmas party, then again at ours.  It was won again and  “Amazingly” made it’s way in to the President’s truck for a second time  (The culprit has been identified). The Bee Tumbler will surely make another appearance at a future meeting and go on to be the most won prize in bee club history.

After the meeting was over, everyone chipped in to pack up the tables and chairs, and whoever the crew was that packed up the dinner in the kitchen, they were awesome. You couldn’t even tell anything went on in there.  A “Big Thanks” to everyone that helped set up and take down!

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, January 16th at 7:00 PM. It will be held in the East Wing which is opposite from where we’ve been. We’ll have access at 6:00 PM to set up. We’ll start the pot luck dinner before 7:00 if we have everything set up.

If you plan on bringing something for the dinner, please let us know in the Facebook Group, or contact a Board Member so we can keep track of what we have or need. Together we’ll continue to grow and BEE successful!

More photos are below. Again, a big thanks to everyone for chipping in!


The Board Members
Sumter County Beekeepers Club


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